Below is a starter guide that will help you being using the Rievent Platform.
Accessing the Sandbox Environment
What is the sandbox environment?
The sandbox environment is intended for you to get a hands-on experience with the Rievent Platform. Almost all of the standard platform functionality is available, including the ability to create various activity types using the standard templates (Enduring, Live Event, Journal, RSS, Webinar, and Manuscript Review).
How do I access the sandbox environment?
The URL for accessing the sandbox environment was provided via email. If you do not have the URL, please contact the individual in your organization who coordinated the demo, or send an email to and we can provide the URL for you as well.
How long do the sandbox accounts stay active for?
All sandbox accounts are set to expire 30 days after you receive them. To extend your account, please send an email to
What if I need additional accounts?
We would be more than happy to create as many sandbox accounts as needed. Please send an email to
What are templates and how do they work?
Each Rievent customer has at least one template in their account. Templates are created by Rievent and added to your account for you to create CE/CME activities. Each activity type (journal, live event, enduring/on-demand, RSS, webinar, and manuscript review.) will have its own template. Within the template, there are a number of different configuration options that you can choose to include, depending on the specific type of activity created.
For example, the Enduring/On-demand template allows you to create an activity that includes and embedded video with a follow-up post-test, survey, and certificate. The same template can also be used to create an activity that includes a pre-test, PDF content, post-test, and automated outcomes email.
Certain evaluations (such as the Activity Evaluation) can be built into the template, if the same questions are asked for every activity. If this is the case, Rievent can build the evaluation into the template and provide it as a checkbox option on the Activity Options tab. This saves administrators from having to create the same evaluation questions over and over for each activity.
What template types does Rievent offer?
Rievent follows the ACCME guidelines for activity types, which allows for streamlined reports like the PARS, NARS, and JA-PARS reports. There are currently 6 templates offered in the Rievent Platform:
- Enduring/On-demand Template
- Journal Template
- Webinar Template
- Live Event Template
- Regularly Scheduled Series Template
- Manuscript Review Template
How does the Enduring template work?
The Enduring Template is used to create a CME/CE activity that awards credit associated with any type of enduring print or online/on-demand content. Administrators can upload content directly into the Rievent, link out to externally hosted content, or create a custom content page. The template supports direct upload of videos, PDFs, SCORM, and Podcasts files. The template also supports credit selection, ecommerce, pre-test, pre-surveys, post-tests, surveys, and automated follow-up outcomes evaluations. The following standard components are included:
- CE Catalog activity description
- CE Catalog metadata tags
- Overview/Landing Page
- Pre-Activity Test
- Pre-Activity Survey
- Content Integration
- Posttest
- Built-in “shared” Activity Evaluation
- Activity-specific Evaluation
- Credit Option Management
- On-demand certificate access
- Automated CME Confirmation email with certificate
- Automated Follow-Up Outcomes Evaluation
- Peer Response Comparison for any test/survey
How does the Live Event template work?
The Live Event Template is used to create an activity that awards credit for attending a live, in-person event. The template supports all types of live, in-person events from single session to multi-day, multi-session conferences. Learners select which sessions they attended, fill out the associated evaluations, and then receive credit for their attendance. The template includes an optional registration component for collecting registration fees and pre-event evaluations. The template also supports credit selection, ecommerce, pre-test, pre-surveys, surveys, and automated follow-up outcomes evaluations. The following standard components are included:
- CE Catalog / Events Calendar description
- CE Catalog / Events Calendar metadata tags
- Overview/Landing Page
- Event Selection Page
- Registration
- Pre-Activity Tests or Survey
- Peer Response Comparison
- Registration Confirmation Page and Email
- Individual Session and Speaker Evaluations
- Post-Activity Evaluation(s)
- Credit Option Management
- Certificate to print or download
- Automated CME Confirmation Email confirmation with link to certificate
- Automated Follow-Up Outcomes Evaluation
How does the Webinar template work?
The actual live streaming portion and registration for the webinar are done through a typical webinar vendor - Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc. Admins would first configure the event in the webinar vendor, and would then create the corresponding activity in Rievent. When the activity is created in Rievent, the system will generate a unique 6 letter credit claim code. Then, once the webinar has ended, this code is distributed to the attendees, who can then go to your Learning Portal to enter the code and claim credit.
Many webinar vendors allow you to send a customized, automated follow-up email to all attendees once the webinar ends. This is a great way to distribute the 6 letter credit claim code or direct link. Another way to distribute the credit code is to display it on the screen at the end of the webinar. The Webinar's Credit Claim Code will be valid until the activity's end date is reached.
Prior to the live webinar taking place, you can add a listing in your CE/CME Catalog for the event that redirects learners to your webinar vendor's registration URL. Once the webinar date is reached, this registration listing is automatically removed from the Learning Portal.
How does the RSS template work?
In the Rievent Platform, each session within an RSS activity includes a unique 5 digit credit claim code. After a session is over, the corresponding credit claim code is distributed to all attendees, typically by the session's CME Administrator. The attendees then go online to your Learning Portal's Credit Code page and enter the session's unique credit claim code. Once the code is entered, the learners sign in, complete any evaluations, and then their transcript is automatically updated to reflect their new credit total for the series.
The session credit codes can be set to expire at the end of the day, 24 hrs, 48 hrs, 1 week, 2 weeks, or 30 days after the session ends. Admins can always go back into adjust this on a per activity basis at any time. Admins can also manually assign credit to learners for attending a session.
When creating the sessions for a new series, a Recurring Session Scheduling Tool makes it easy to create all the session for a series at once. The tool also provides the unique credit claim codes for each session. You can then go in on a session by session basis to adjust the names, add speakers, etc.
As part of the RSS template, an optional registration process allows learners to register for a Regularly Scheduled Series and pre-select their credit type (if there is more than credit type offered in the series). Learners do NOT have to be registered for the series to claim credit.
Registering for the series allows the learner to:
- Create their profile ahead of attending and claiming credit for a session, if they haven't done so already.
- If there is more than one credit type being offered, learners can select the credit type they intend to claim for the series.
- Add the next session in the series to their Calendar (Google Calendar, Outlook, etc).
All these steps above can also be managed when the learner claims credit for the first time.
Creating and Testing Activities
How do I create a new activity?
To start creating a new activity, click the icon next to the Manage Your Program menu.
For detailed instructions on creating new activities, please refer to the template production guides.
Template Production Guides:
How do I test an activity as a learner?
With an individual activity selected from the Manage Your Program menu, go to the Production tab. Next, select the Review Stage on the timeline and follow the steps below for the testing the appropriate activity types:
How to test different types of activities:
Testing Enduring and Journal Activities
Select the enduring or journal activity from the Manage Your Program menu, then click the Production tab. Next, if its not already selected, click the Review stage in the production timeline at the top of the screen.
The Draft Review Links will walk you through the activity as a learner, from start to finish. To review the activity, click the Request for Credit Launch Activity link. This will allow you to participate in the activity exactly how a learner would see it. If an outcomes evaluation is included, you can review it by selecting Outcomes Launch Activity link.
Testing RSS and Grand Rounds Activities
To review the credit claim process, you will first need to create a "test" session. First, select the RSS activity from the Manage Your Program menu, then click the RSS tab.
Click the Add (1) Session button. Be sure to set the session for the current day and mark the start/end time for before the current time. You can add session details and speakers for the test session as well.
Lastly, go to the Credit Claim page, enter the code, and complete the activity.
An easy way to access the credit claim page is to open the Registration Draft Review link (found on the Review Stage on the Production tab), then click the Credit Claim page in the navigation bar.
Testing Webinar Activities
Select the Webinar activity from the Manage Your Program menu, then click the Production tab. Next, if its not already selected, click the Review stage in the production timeline at the top of the screen.
The Draft Review Links will walk you through the activity as a learner, from start to finish. To review the activity, click the Request for Credit Launch Activity link. This will allow you to participate in the activity exactly how a learner would see it. If an outcomes evaluation is included, you can review it by selecting Outcomes Launch Activity link.
When learners go through the activity to claim credit, they will use the webinar's unique 6-digit unique credit code, located here.
Testing a Live Event
Select the Live Event activity from the Manage Your Program menu, then click the Production tab. Next, if its not already selected, click the Review stage in the production timeline at the top of the screen.
Use the Draft Review links to access the activity exactly as learner would see it. For activities that require registration, you must first register (using the Registration Draft Review link) for the activity, before testing the request for credit process.
Before testing, you must first create the activity using the Live Event template, set the venue and event times, and configure all session information.
If an activity tester registers for the activity from the Admin Dashboard's Draft Review Links, the tester's record will be marked as a Draft Review record. This setting will allow the tester to by-pass date-based gate restrictions (sessions and event) so all evaluations may be tested.
How do I delete a participation record in an activity?
Participation records can be deleted from the Records tab. Each time an activity is tested as a learner, a new participation record is created.
To delete a test record(s), first be sure the correct activity is listed in the Manage Your Program drop-down menu. Then select the Records tab and search for your record.You can also search for participation records across all activities by selecting ALL PROGRAMS from the Manage Your Program menu.
How do I run reports?
In your sandbox accounts, use the existing activities to check out all the different reports and exports, as these activities have enough data to show more meaningful reports than a brand new activity.
For a high level view of participation statistics, you can click the Summary tab, however, a majority of the reports are going to be found on the Reports tab, as shown below.
All activities in the Rievent Platform include a standard set of reports. In addition, downloadable CSV exports are also available for each activity.
Reports can be run for individual activities or all activities in aggregate. To access individual activities reports, select the activity from the manage your program menu, then click the Reports tab. To access aggregate reporting, select ALL PROGRAMS from the Manage Your Program menu, then click the reports tab.
Where are the ACCME PARS reports located and how to they work?
Most of the information required by PARS is automatically being tracked within the Rievent Platform. When activities are created, information related to accreditation is entered and maintained in the Rievent Platform database. Detailed participation data is also tracked and maintained as learners participate in activities. An ACCME PARS interface in the Rievent Platform allows you to add supplemental information, including financial data.
When you are ready to upload your data to PARS, you can access the ACCME Reports menu and select PARS Program Export to download the tab-delimited file, which can easily be edited (if needed) before uploading to the ACCME’s PARS system.
There are two different areas in the platform to access ACCME PARS information:
(1) The Program tab - The Rievent Platform automatically tracks PARS information for an activity; however, you can add all additional required PARS information to an activity (activity design characteristics, competencies, activity details, financial info, etc) using the dedicated ACCME PARS interface on Program tab > ACCME tab.
(2) The Reports tab - This is where you go to generate and download the PARS file (tab-delimited format). You can choose to download the file for an individual activity, or for all your activities at once.
Where are the ANCC NARS reports located?
Very similar to how the ACCME PARS reports works, most of the information required by NARS is automatically being tracked within the Rievent Platform. When activities are created, information related to accreditation is entered and maintained in the Rievent Platform database. Detailed participation data is also tracked and maintained as learners participate in activities. A dedicated ANCC NARS interface in the Rievent Platform allows you to add supplemental information, including financial data.
When you are ready to upload your data to NARS , you can access the ANCC Reports menu and select NARS Program Export to download the tab-delimited file, which can easily be edited (if needed) before uploading to the ANCC NARS system.
There are two different areas in the platform to access ANCC NARS information:
(1) The Program tab - The Rievent Platform automatically tracks NARS information for an activity; however, you can add all additional required NARS information to an activity (activity design characteristics, competencies, activity details, financial info, etc) using the dedicated ANCC NARS interface on Program tab > ANCC tab.
(2) The Reports tab - This is where you go to generate and download the NARS file (tab-delimited format). You can choose to download the file for an individual activity, or for all your activities at once.
Other Helpful Articles
- Live Event Functionality and FAQs
- FAQ: What's the difference between question rationale, answer choice rationale, and hints?
- FAQ: How do I randomize test or survey questions?
- FAQ: How do I delete my participation record for an activity I tested?
- FAQ: Can I delete an activity
- What is the Data Import Tool and how does it work?
- FAQ: What's the difference between question rationale, answer choice rationale, and hints?
- FAQ: How do I randomize test or survey questions?
- FAQ: How do I create a new activity?
- FAQ: Can I embed a video in a test or survey question?
- FAQ: How do I configure a Rating question?
- FAQ: How do I add an image to the Overview page?
- FAQ: What is the Multiple Choice Parser?
- FAQ: How do I configure link URLs to open in a new window?
- FAQ: I made changes to an activity, but its not showing up. Why?