Participation records can be deleted from the Records tab. Each time an activity is tested as a learner, a new participation record is created. If you an activity test by using the "Draft Review" links, your participation record will automatically be marked with the "Draft Reviewer" label as shown below.
Deleting Participation Records
- To delete a test record(s), first be sure the correct activity is listed in the Manage Your Program drop-down menu. Then select the Records tab. You can also search for participation records across all activities by selecting ALL PROGRAMS from the Manage Your Program menu.
Leaving all criteria fields blank and clicking the Search button will return all records associated with the activity, (which can be useful in deleting test records for activities not yet available to learners, since all the records listed will be test records.) However, you can also search for individual records by using the various search criteria fields. (More information on searching participation records) - From the search results page, click the icon to delete the test records.
Delete multiple test records at once by checking the boxes for all the test record(s) you would like to delete, then click the Delete Selected button.