The annual Data Maintenance fee is calculated at $.10 per record and is based on the total number of participation records in the account at the time of renewal. This cost can be managed by removing participation records from the platform.
When an activity and/or its data (participation records) no longer needs to be stored in the Rievent Platform, you can remove it by following the steps below:
How many records are in my account right now?
Select "ALL PROGRAMS" from the Manage Your Program menu and click the Summary tab. The data maintenance fee is calculated based off the total number of records in the account. In the example below, the data maintenance fee would be $222.70 (2,227 records * $.10)
Downloading the Data
Before deleting an activity or participation records, Rievent recommends downloading the data so that you can retain it for your own record keeping purposes. Once the data is deleted, there is no way for Rievent to recover it.
Downloading Individual Activity Data
1. With the activity selected from the Manage Your Program menu, click the Reports tab.
2. Select the Download tab then click the Excel CSV format link under Export Complete Program Results section.
3. Save the file to your computer
Downloading All Activity Data
1. With ALL PROGRAMS selected from the Manage Your Program menu, click the Reports tab.
2. Select the Download tab then click the Export Program Participation Details link. This will provide you a list of all participation records in the account with credit details.
3. Save the file to your computer
Deleting Participation Records
The most common ways to remove participation records are at the activity level, or by removing any participation records before a certain date. For example, if you only need to store data for the last 5 years, you can remove any participation records that are more than 5 years old.
Deleting Participation Records Created Before a Certain Date
To delete participation records created before a certain date, you will first need to create and save a filter. Once the filter is saved, you can then search from the ALL PROGRAMS view of the Records tab and delete all the old records.
1. Go to the Reports tab and select the filter icon.
2. Under Attendee Attributes, select icon for Program Complete Date.
3. Save the filter. This will allow you to search through participation records with the filter.
4. From the with ALL PROGRAMS selected from the Manage Your Program menu, go to the Records tab and select the filter. You can also adjust the number of records displayed per page in the search results, which makes it easier to delete large amounts of records.
5. Before delete the records, Rievent recommends downloading the data for you own record keeping purposes. To delete the records, select the check box at the top of the list to select all records, then click Delete Selected.
Deleting All Participation Records for an Activity
1. With the activity selected from the Manage Your Program menu, click the Records tab.
2. Leave the Find field set as all records. If necessary, adjust the Display Records per Page drop-down to match the number of records for the activity, then click Search.
3. Click the checkbox on the far left in the header row to select all the participation records shown, then click Delete Selected.
4. Click Confirm Action to delete the participation records.
Delete the Activity
If the activity is no longer needed, you can delete it from your account. Before deleting the activity, you will need to remove all the participation records. Please note that the ability to delete an activity is a permission that is only available for the Administrator role, or it can be assigned as a custom role permission.