Question Hints
Hints display to learners as they are taking the test. Learners can click the Hint link to reveal the hint.
To configure a question hint, hover the cursor over the "Hint" section and double click to add text.
Answer Choice Rationale
If a learner selects an incorrect answer on their first attempt at the test, the answer choice rationale for that specific answer will show during their next attempt at the test. This is intended to be a hint or a clue for the learner, not necessarily to tell them what the right answer is, but rather, a hint or clue to guide them in the right direction.
Answer choice rational can only be added for Post-Tests.
To add answer choice rationale, click the icon to the right of the answer choice.
Question Rationale
Question rationale displays to learners after they have successfully passed a test. Learners who fail the test will not see the rationale.
To configure a question rationale, hover the cursor over the "Rationale" section and double click to add text.