From the eCommerce tab on the Administrative Dashboard, you can create and manage products, discount codes, participant types, and course packages.
Each individual activity, course package, and token package needs to have a product associated with it in order for learners to be able to purchase the item. Products are creating using the tools found on the eCommerce tab.
To create an activity for purchase, you must first create the activity from the Production tab, using a template in your account that is configured with eCommerce. When creating the activity, check off the option for eCommerce (you can also choose to include Participant Types). After creating the activity from the Production tab, you will then need to create a product for the activity using the tools found on the eCommerce tab.
Discount Codes |
Participant TypesCourse PackageseCommerce ReportingTools for Learners |
Everything available to a learner for purchase must be set up as Product. All products are managed from the Product Management page on the eCommerce tab. To view all products, select All Programs from the Manage Your Program menu.
Creating a New Product
1. From the Products menu on the eCommerce tab, click Create New Product.
2. Next, complete all of the required fields. Begin by entering the Name of the product as you would like it to display for learners.
3. Add the Price, Item Number (optional), and
of Tokens learners would apply to purchase the product (optional). If token packages are used, the token field will allow learners to purchase the product for the designated number of tokens. (More information on token packages)
4. Next, select the correct Product Type from the
menu. When creating a product for an enduring or journal activity, be sure to select the “Course” option. For registration activities, select “Registration” as the product type.
5. In the Available Start Date (optional) field, set the day the product will become available to learners for purchase. If left blank, the default start date is set as
the product is created (the default date will not be saved into the field,
the product is immediately available for purchase). The Available End Date field (optional) is the last full day the product can be purchased.
6. Next, use the Select a program… menu to associate the product with an activity.
7. If the activity is configured with Participant Types, use the
menu to select the corresponding participant type for the product. (More information on participant types)
8. Enter the Product Description (optional). The text entered here displays to learners if they click the name of the product when it is displayed on the purchasing options page and shopping cart.
9. Finally, add any Price Changes (optional) to the product. (More information on Price Changes)
10. When all the required fields have been completed, click Save to finish creating the product.
Creating a Token Package
Token packages allow learners to purchase a set amount of tokens, which they can then use to buy courses (typically for a discounted price). Token amounts for individual products can be set from the product edit page.
1. To create a token package, begin by clicking Create New Product on the Product Management page.
2. Select Tokens from the Product Type menu.
3. Next, enter the Name, Item Number (optional), Price, and Token Amount. The Name entered here will be displayed to learners.
4. Set the Available Start Date (optional) and Available End Date (optional).
5. You can also add a Product Description (optional). The text entered here will display as a pop-up to learners if they click the name of the product in the shopping cart.
6. Click Save Product to finish creating the token package.
Editing a Product
1. To edit an existing product, click the Manage menu and select Edit. You can also click the product name to access the edit page.
2. Make the necessary changes, then be sure to click Save Product to finalize the changes.
Scheduling a Price Change
Scheduling a price change allows you to automatically adjust the price of a product when a specified date is reached. For example, to promote an early-bird discount price, set the price of the product at the discounted rate, then specify a future date when the price will automatically increase to the normal price.
1. To access the price change feature, click Edit under the Manage menu for the product the price change will apply to.
2. Under Price Changes, enter the future price of the product, then set the date of the price change. In the image below, the product price will increase from its starting price of $100 to the new price of $150 on April 1, 2014.
Once a price change occurs, a history of all past price changes will be listed for the product.
3. When you are finished, click the Save Product button at the top of the page.
Deactivating and Activating Products
To deactivate a product, select Deactivate from the Manage menu. Deactivated products will not be available for learners to purchase and will appear as grayed out on the product management page. Deactivated products will not be deleted and may be reactivated.
To activate a deactivated product, select Activate from the Manage menu.
Removing a Product
To remove a product, select Remove from the Manage menu. Once a product is removed, it is completely deleted from the Rievent Platform.
Discount Codes
Provide promotional discounts to learners through the use of discount codes. Discount codes can be applied to a learner’s entire shopping cart total, or applied to an individual product(s). Discount codes are managed from the Discount Management page on the eCommerce tab.
To view all discount codes for all activities, select All Programs from the Manage Your Program menu.
To view discount codes associated with a specific activity, select the activity from the Manage Your Program menu and click the Discounts link on the eCommerce tab.
Types of Discount Codes
The Rievent Platform supports the following types of discount codes:
Percentage Off Total – a percentage discount
the learner’s entire shopping cart total
Amount Off Total – a set amount
the learner’s entire shopping cart total
Percentage Off Item – a percentage discount
a specific item(s)
Amount Off Item – a set amount
a specific item(s)
Creating a New Discount Code
1. From the Discount Management page, click Create New Discount.
2. First, select the Discount Type from the
3. When creating a discount for a percentage or amount
an item, you will need to select the item from the product menu. Use
to apply the discount to multiple products.
4. Next, enter the Discount Code and Value. All other fields on the page are optional.
5. When you are finished, click Save Discount at the top of the page to finish creating the discount code.
Editing a Discount Code
1. To edit a discount code, select Edit from the Manage menu.
2. Next, makes the necessary changes to the discount code. When you are finished, be sure to click Save Discount to finalize the changes.
Deactivating and Activating Discount Code
To deactivate a discount code, select Deactivate from the Manage menu. Deactivated discount codes will not be available for learners to use and will appear as grayed out on the discount management page.
To activate a deactivated discount code, select Activate from the Manage menu.
Removing a Discount Code
To remove a discount code, select Remove from the Manage menu. Once a discount code is removed, it is completely deleted from the Rievent Platform.
Participant Types
Participant types allow different prices to be charged for an activity or live event, based on the type of learner. For example, an activity could be configured to charge different prices for students, members, physicians, residents, nurses, etc.
Once a participant type has been created, it is automatically added to the Participant Type library, so you do not need to re-create it for every activity.
To create and manage participant types, click the Participant Types link under the eCommerce tab.
The image below displays how learners select their participant type:
Creating a New Participant Type
1. First, click Create New Participant Type.
2. Next, enter the Name and a brief Description (optional) for the participant type. The text entered in the Description field will be visible to learners.
3. When you are finished, click Save Participant Type.
Editing a Participant Type
1. To edit a Participant Type, select Edit from the Manage menu.
2. Next, makes the necessary change(s) to the participant type. When you are finished, click Save Participant Type to finalize the change(s).
Removing a Participant Type
Once a Participant Type has been removed it is completed deleted from the Rievent Platform. To remove a participant type, select Remove from the Manage menu.
Course Packages
A Course Package is a group of activities bundled together for learners to purchase, typically for a discounted price.
There are two main steps to create a course package:
1. Create the course package and select the courses. (eCommerce tab > Course Packages > Create New Package)
2. Create a product for the course package. (eCommerce tab > Products > Create New Product)
Creating a New Course Package
1. First, create the Course Package by clicking Create New Package.
2. Add the Name, Title, and internal Description (optional) for the Course Package. The Name and Title are NOT displayed to the learner. Only the Product Name, which is configured during step 6, will be displayed to the learner.
3. Next, select the activities that will be included in the package. Use
to add additional activities to the package.
4. Click Save Package to finish creating the package.
5. After creating the course package, a product needs to be created for the new course package. To create a product for course package, navigate to the Product Management page on the eCommerce tab and click Create New Product. (More information on creating products)
6. When selecting the Product Type, be sure to choose Course Package.
7. Enter the Name of the course package, as you would like it to appear to learners, and the Price.
8. From the Course Package menu, select the package created in step 1 from the
9. Enter a Description (optional) for the course package. The description will display to learners on the shopping cart page if they click the name of the course package.
10. When you are finished, click Save Product at the top of the page.
Editing a Course Package
1. To edit a Course Package, select Edit from the Manage menu on the Course Package.
2. Next, makes the necessary changes to the course package. When you are finished, be sure to click Save Package to finalize the changes.
Removing a Course Package
Once a course package has been removed it is completed deleted from the Rievent Platform. To remove a course package, select Remove from the Manage menu.
eCommerce Reporting
eCommerce Reporting for an Individual Activity
To access eCommerce reporting for an individual activity, select the activity from the Manage Your Program menu and click the Reports tab.
All financial information (sales price, discount codes, net discount, etc.) is included in the complete program export on the Download tab.
The Program Sales report provides a breakdown of program sales, packaged program sales, and token sales. Use the date filter to view data for a specified time period.
The Export Order Product Add-Ons report is a .csv file containing financial data related to any add-on products purchases (merchandise and mini-symposium products only) in the activity.
eCommerce Reporting for All Activities
To access eCommerce reporting for all activities, select All Programs from the Manage Your Program menu and click the Reports tab.
The Program Sales report provides financial data for all of your activities. Totals are given for Quantity (program), Program Sales ($), Program Discounts ($), Quantity (packaged), Packaged Discounts ($), Packaged Sales ($), Token Sales, Token Sales ($), Quantity (net), Net Discount ($), and Net Sales ($).
The Sales by Discount Code report provides detailed financial information for each discount code used by learners. Use the date filter allows
to view
data for a specified time period.
NOTE: Individual learner data associated with each discount code is available in the Program Participation Details export.
Tools for Learners
Purchase Receipt Emails
When a leaner successfully completes a transaction, a purchase receipt is automatically sent to the email address listed in their profile.
How Learners can access their purchase history and resend receipts
Learners can access their purchase history and receipts at any time by logging into their account. After logging in, they can then access the Order History page under the My Account
From the Order History page, learners can view all of their transactions and also email themselves a copy of an individual receipt.
How Admins can access learner purchase history and resend receipts
As an administrator, you also have the ability to view and resend learners’ receipts. From the Accounts tab, locate the learner account you would like to view or email a receipt for, then click View Order History under the Manage menu.
From the Order History page, click the Actions menu to view or email the learner’s receipt.
How learners can view and use their token balance
Learners can view their token balance at any time by logging into their account and accessing the My CE page. The token balance is also displayed to the learner on the Course Purchasing Options page.
When a leaner has a token balance and attempts to purchase an activity, the Rievent Platform automatically recognizes the learner’s balance and gives the option to either (1) apply the required number of tokens or (2) purchase the activity using a credit card.
If learners do not have enough tokens in their account to purchase the product, they have the option to purchase more tokens and then apply them to their current purchase. In the example below, the learner has a 10 token balance, but the course requires 15 tokens to purchase.
Discount Codes |
Participant TypesCourse PackageseCommerce ReportingTools for Learners |