Rievent Platform v17.0 was released Wednesday, February 1st. Version 17.0 primarily addressed maintenance and security, however; we've managed to add in some exciting enhancements as well:
- New Activity Delete functionality: Admins can now delete activities from their account. This feature is located on the "Program" tab of an activity. In order to delete an activity, all participation records must first be removed.
NOTE: Activities with associated eCommerce products cannot be deleted. - Self Service Data Importer: The following fields can now be imported using the self-service data import tool:
- Notes (256 character limit) - Client Notes facilitates longer customer record annotations and notes. Used by Rievent customers in a variety of ways.
- Client Notes 1 (64 character limit) - Client Notes 1 provides for customer or application specific short annotations or segmentation values.
- Client Notes 2 (64 character limit) - Client Notes 2 provides for customer or application specific short annotations or segmentation values.
- Site Code (256 character limit) - Site code provides customers option for segmenting learner participation records based on source web site. Often used with identifying group-based entitlements.
- Event Sign-in Sheets - The Event Sign in sheet now shows the learner's last name first, making it easier for registrants to locate their name on a list of registrants.
- "Printer Friendly" version of Reports: The "Printer Friendly" version of reports have been reworked to better display the activity name and report information.
- CKE Editor: Every CKE Editor in the platform has been updated to include the following additions and improvements:
- Added "Remove Formatting" button
- Added "Paste without formatting" button
- Added "Paste from Word" button
- Better display of source code
- Live Events tab's Registrants page: The Registrants page has been reworked to make it easier for admins to manage a list of registrants. The following changes were made:
- "Filter" bar has been replaced with a "Search" bar
- The select all checkbox option is now located at the top of the far left column
- The "Location/Date" has been moved to its own designated "Location" column
- Moved "Registration Status" next to "Manage Checked Registrants"
- Live Event's tab scheduling page: The following updates were made to the Live Event tabs' Scheduling page workflow:
- Registration is now restricted based on the earlier of registration end date and event start date
- Added date validation to the registration end date preventing the registration end date from being after the event start date
- Updated text to be "Pre-registration Start/End" instead of "Registration Start/End"
- Improved location display in the event title when no location is configured for the venue
- Automated Emails: All automated emails now set the UTF-8 character encoding to ensure email clients will properly render high ASCII/Unicode characters.